Dziś omówimy 15 popularnych angielskich idiomów związanych z latem.

Lato nadeszło, a wraz z nim upalne dni i relaks nad wodą w promieniach słońca. Sprawdźmy jak słowa, automatycznie kojarzące się z sezonem letnim, czyli słońce, woda czy ocean, mogą nabrać zupełnie innego znaczenia 🙂 So let’s make hay while the sun shines!

Najpierw przyjrzyjmy się idiomom ze słowem SUN:

1) the sun is splitting the stone – it’s very very hot – jest upalnie

The sun was splitting the stone so we sheltered under a tree.

2) to find your place in the sun – be in a situation that makes you happy and fulfilled- odnaleźć szczęście w życiu

It seems that Canada really suits her, so she found her place in the sun.

3) to make hay while the sun shines- do sth immediately, while the situation is favourable, with no delay- kuć żelazo póki gorące

This offer is fantastic! Make hay while the sun shines!

Teraz poznajmy idiomy ze słowem SHINE:

4) come rain or shine- do sth no matter what the situation is like- bez względu na pogodę, okoliczności

She decided to take up that challenge, come rain or shine.

5) to take a shine to someone- to be attracted to a new person- poczuć do kogoś miętę, bardzo kogoś polubić

We took a shine to each other after a short chat in a pub.

6) Rise and shine!- get out of bed and be lively and energetic! – pobudka

Rise and shine, we have no time to waste.

Następnie przejdźmy do idiomów ze słowem WATER:

7) a fish out of water – to feel uncomfortable in a particular situation -czuć sie nieswojo

At the beginning I felt as a fish out of water, but after a while I got used to a new situation.

8) to be in hot water- in a problematic  situation in which you can be punished – mieć kłopoty

She didn’t listen to our warnings and got into hot water.

9) under water- not making enough money to meet financial obligations- mieć problemy finansowe

Due to changes on the stock market now he is under water.

A teraz poznajmy idiomy ze słowem HEAT:

10) heat wave- a period of time in which the weather is extremely and persistently hot- upał

It’s the third heat wave in our country this summer.

11) heat someone up- to make someone annoyed- zdenerwować kogoś

She heats me up talking about nobody else but herself.

12) in the heat of the moment- if you say or do something in the heat of the moment, you say or do it without thinking, automatically because you are angry or excited- pod wpływem chwili

I’m really sorry for what happened yesterday. I said it in the heat of the moment, I didn’t really mean that.

A na koniec spójrzmy na idiomy z OCEAN:

13) a drop in the ocean  -a very small amount of sth, not as much as is needed – kropla w morzu potrzeb

I don’t think this amount of money can change anything, it’s a drop in the ocean.

14) boil the ocean- to waste one’s time trying to do the impossible – tracić czas

I’m boiling the ocean doing this exercise, I will never understand how to do it properly!

15) oceans of something- a very large amount of something -masa czegoś

We’ve got oceans of ideas, the problem is we don’t put them into practice.

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